Gachagua Accuses William Ruto Allies of Meddling In Mount Kenya Politics

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua addressing the nation on the flood crisis on April 26, 2024.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Saturday fired a warning shot at a section of politicians from the Rift Valley region interfering with Mt Kenya politics.

The DP, who spoke during an empowerment programme in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County, accused the politicians, whom he said were mostly Ruto allies, of meddling in Mt Kenya politics.

According to Gachagua, the said politicians had partnered with others from the Mt Kenya region to ill-advise the Head of State on critical political issues ahead of 2027.

“There are politicians from Rift Valley who have partnered with others in the Mt Kenya region and have decided to plan 2027 politics. Why do you want to succeed the president while he is still alive?” Gachagua posed without naming the said politicians.

President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua at State House, Nairobi on April 30, 2024.

“We are good people, so the problem is a few leaders from this region (Rift Valley) who are ill-advising the President on Mt Kenya politics,” he added.

While addressing his relationship with the Head of State, Gachagua dismissed allegations of a rift and affirmed his support for the president.

According to Gachagua, the people of Mt Kenya regions must fulfill their promise of supporting President Ruto for ten years.

"The people of Mt Kenya have no problem, we are good people, we promised to support Ruto and we did just as we promised. We are honest and straightforward people, the only thing we hate is betrayal,

"We are there, we are helping the president, we urge politicians from Rift Valley to let us alone so that we can help the President to serve the people of Kenya," " the DP went on.

Gachagua also took a swipe at a section of politicians whom he accused of planning to succeed President Ruto prematurely. 

“They are lying to people to start planning for 2032, we the people of Mt Kenya don't want to be advised on future politics,” Gachagua noted.

Gachagua's sentiments come days after Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru took a swipe at the Deputy President, accusing him of interfering with Mt Kenya politics.

Waiguru accused Gachagua of personalising his position instead of acting as an inspiration to upcoming leaders.

"Everyone has a right to dream and pursue their dreams like those in current leadership dreamt and their dreams were actualised by the support of millions of youth and women. They (those harboring political ambition)  too, deserve support, not hostility,” Waiguru stated.

Collage image of the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru
Collage image of the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru
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