Ghetto Radio's King Kafu Recounts 4-Year Conviction for Armed Robbery

King Kafu releases a statement alongside police officers
King Kafu releases a statement alongside police officers.

Popular Ghetto Radio presenter King Kafu opened up about his life in crime and the turning point that got him out of that lifestyle.

In an exposé by the BBC Africa Eye which aired on Sunday, Kafu revealed that he joined the crime life aged 15 years.

Initially, his criminal activities included snatching bags before upgrading to full-blown armed robberies.

In 2003, however, the long arm of the law caught up with him resulting in a jail sentence that lasted for four years.

King Kafu, the radio host at Ghetto Radio
King Kafu, the radio host at Ghetto Radio.
Ghetto Radio

Kafu further revealed that he was inspired to turn his life around after release when he noticed that some of his friends had been killed by law enforcement.

“Upon my release, I discovered many of my friends who were involved in the crime had met tragic ends, most of them dying as a result of their criminal lifestyles,” the presenter told the outlet.

“No one is born a thief. But even if the youths don’t have work, we are telling them that crime is not good. People should return their illegal guns to the government,” he added.

Kafu, as a result, transformed himself into a crusader of youth to stop getting recruited into criminal activities and liaises with police officers to offer reforming individuals immunity preventing their arrests.

As a result, the presenter, who uses his radio slot to preach good practices to the youth from the slums, reaches out to criminals ready to surrender their guns to the police.

“I want the government to be clear with the youth. When they return these things, will they be abducted or supported? I am asking the government to cooperate. These youths want to be shown some love," he added.

Kafu hosts the morning breakfast show, Brekko, on Ghetto Radio and revealed that he was initially arrested for not committing a crime.

"I was wrongly convicted of a crime I did not commit, so I reasoned, since crime or no crime I would still end in jail, why not get jailed for a crime I actually committed," he recalled.

He noted that he joined his brother in committing bigger crimes such as carjackings as well as raiding fundraising events.

After his release, he joined Ghetto Radio as a messenger and rose up the ranks to hosting his own show.

A silhouette image of a man wielding a gun
A silhouette image of a man wielding a gun
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