Matatu Owners to Maintain Fare Prices Despite EPRA's Fuel Reduction Citing High Operating Costs

Matatu Bus Stop Sign at GPO Stage, Along Kenyatta Avenue in Nairobi. Monday, October 21, 2019
Matatu Bus Stop Sign at GPO Stage, Along Kenyatta Avenue in Nairobi. Monday, October 21, 2019

With the recent drop in diesel prices by Ksh6, sought to establish its expected impact on matatu fares.

In an interview with Brendan Marshall, a senior member of the Matatu Owners Association (MOA), it was revealed that most matatus would maintain the current rates despite the fall in pump prices.

Marshall explained that this decision is influenced by several factors, including the recent increase in insurance premiums.

He noted that matatus with third-party covers are now paying Ksh600 more for their insurance. Consequently, with these additional costs, it would be challenging to lower the fare rates.

Matatus caught up in a traffic snarl-up at Tom Mboya street near Khoja/Old Mutual terminus
Matatus caught up in a traffic snarl-up at Tom Mboya street near Khoja/Old Mutual terminus in May 2020.

He also detailed that investors in the transport industry were spending more on spare parts and servicing their vehicles.

"Insurance premiums also increased. Some companies used to do third-party covers for a 14-seater for Ksh6,500. Now it is 7,100. We cannot just drop the prices because fuel prices have dropped.

"We have to factor in the insurance premiums and the service kits," he explained.

On the other hand, he added that most Kenyans travel during peak hours when there is a traffic jam, hence vehicles consume more fuel on the road.

However, he indicated that some Saccos would prefer to adjust their off-peak hours to cushion Kenyans.

Off-peak hours are usually the hours when there is minimal traffic on the road. This is mostly between 11 am to 4 pm. During off-peak hours, fares are usually charged by Ksh 20-50 less than the peak hour rates.

Therefore as a cushion, some matatu's may choose to extend the off-peak hours by one hour.  

"We always maximise our peak hours. That is when people are travelling and they will pay the prices set. So we will probably extend the off-peak from 4 pm to 5:30 pm," he added.

Fuel Prices

EPRA reduced fuel prices on Friday following a drop in international oil prices in addition to the stabilisation of the shilling.

"In the period under review, the maximum allowed petroleum pump price for Super Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene decreases by Ksh3.00, Ksh6.08 and Ksh5.71 per litre respectively.

"In Nairobi, Super Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene will now retail at Ksh189.84, Ksh173.10 and Ksh163.05 effective midnight for the next 30 days," EPRA announced.

Motorists at a petrol station in Kinoo along Waiyaki Way on January 7, 2023.
Motorists at a petrol station in Kinoo along Waiyaki Way on January 7, 2023.