SK Macharia Narrates How He Met Wachira Waruru & Entrusted Him With Royal Media

SK Macharia/Waruru
A photo collage of Royal Media Services(RMS) group chairman SK Macharia and Managing Director Wachira Waruru.

Media mogul and Royal Media Services (RMS) founder and chairperson SK Macharia revealed on Saturday how he met the company’s longest-serving Managing Director Wachira Waruru.

According to SK Macharia, Waruru was serving in a senior position at the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) before he was appointed RMS Managing Director and was persuaded by his late brother to join the company.

Speaking at the funeral service for Waruru's brother in Nyeri County on Saturday, Macharia shared that he had known the MD from his time at KBC and had recognised him as a potential candidate for the role when he founded Royal Media Services in 1996.

However, it was Macharia’s late brother, Kanja Waruru, who played a pivotal role. Macharia reached out to him to discuss the opportunity with Waruru and gauge his interest in joining RMS.

Royal Media Services Managing Director Wachira Waruru, after his election as the chairperson of Media Owners Association on April 27, 2018.
Royal Media Services Managing Director Wachira Waruru, after his election as the chairperson of Media Owners Association on April 27, 2018.
Daily Nation

''When we met, I told him (the one who is lying here) go and tell your brother that I want to see him. Which one he asked me?'' Macharia narrated to the laughter of the mourners who had gathered to pay their last respects.

''I told him the one who works at KBC, so he actually did exactly what we had agreed on and Wachira came,'' he added. 

However, the meeting between Macharia and Waruru was somewhat tense, as Waruru wanted to be assured of the independence he would have while serving at the company.

Additionally, Waruru sought clarification on the role he would be assuming at RMS, especially since he was transitioning from a stable position at the government broadcaster, where his future was more secure.

''When he came, I told him that I wanted to offer you a job to leave KBC and come to Royal Media. He then asked me if I come to RMS and in what capacity would be coming in. I told him as Managing Director,'' Macharia stated.

Furthermore, the MD wanted to ensure that Macharia would grant him the autonomy to operate independently, without constant interference from the management.

"He asked me, ‘If I make the move, will you give me full authority? Because that’s what I had at KBC. Would you give me the authority to run and manage RMS completely without interfering with what I do?’” Macharia recalled.

Waruru joined RMS in 2007, after being head-hunted to replicate the success he had achieved in his previous role, as the MD and CEO at Kenya's national broadcaster, KBC.

Since then he has been pivotal in the running of the 13 radio stations and two TV channels owned by the RMS family.

A signboard showing Royal Media Services (RMS) broadcast stations along Dennis Pritt Road.
A signboard showing Royal Media Services (RMS) broadcast stations along Dennis Pritt Road.