Opposition Leader Raila Odinga Exposes How IEBC is Lying to Kenyans

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has revealed that IEBC lied to Kenyans by indicating that the National super Alliance and the Commission has reached an agreement following the Tuesday talks at the Bomas of Kenya.

Addressing the media at Okoa Kenya offices, the former Prime Minister explained that IEBC's claim that there was an agreement between the two parties was untrue.

Mr Odinga noted that the talks were not fruitful as indicated by the electoral body since they did not reach any agreement.

"Let no one say that we have any agreement or arrangement with the IEBC. We do not. As we said yesterday, nothing is agreed until it is totally agreed. As it stands, our faith in the IEBC remains zero. 

"We presented a document of things we wanted to be implemented before we go to the fresh polls. They gave us a matrix which does not respond to any of the fundamental issues we raised," Odinga stated.

[caption caption="NASA Leaders meeting IEBC at Bomas on Tuesday"][/caption]

Regarding their weekly anti-IEBC protests, the Opposition leader stated that the demos will continue every Monday and Friday to exert pressure on IEBC officials to vacate their office

On Tuesday, IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati, who chaired the meetings with representatives of both sides, described their discussions as fruitful and downplayed any misgivings.

According to Chebukati, the main problem between the Commission and IEBC could be the fact that the electoral agency had not put in writing what it had done to address NASA's concerns.

“I think what NASA is saying is that we have not reduced in writing what we have done in response to their demands," Chebukati stated.

NASA CEO Norman Magaya, however, disputed the chair's remarks stating that the talks had not reached any agreement.

“There has been no movement from where we were yesterday. There has been no response yet in the manner we had indicated. On our end, nothing has moved an inch,” Magaya told the Nation.

[caption caption="IEBC Commissioner Roselyn Akombe and NASA CEO Norman Magaya"][/caption]