DP Ruto And Khalwale Engage in Heated Exchange

Deputy President William Ruto and former Senator Boni Khalwale on Sunday engaged in a heated exchange online over the number of votes that the Jubilee team got from Kakamega County region.

The exchange began when Dr Khalwale posted a tweet indicating that President Uhuru Kenyatta and the DP had only garnered 40,808 votes in the entire county.

According to Khalwale the turn out in the county boasting nearly 750,00 registered votes was only 5.4%.

[caption caption="Former Senator Boni Khalwale"][/caption]

The ex-Senator further noted that he had warned the Deputy President not to engage but DP ruto did not listen to him.

The DP on his part hit out at Khalwale informing him that they garnered a total of 7.5 Million votes with only 40,000 from Kakamega.

DP Ruto proceeded to inform Khalwale that Opposition Leader Raila Odinga got 90% from the County but to managed to get a total of 6.8 Million votes in the August election.

The exchange elicited a lot of reactions from Kenyans who expressed their different views on the debate.

[caption caption="File image of Deputy President William Ruto"][/caption]

Here are some reactions;

Starehe Member of Parliament Charles Njagua aka Jaguar also added his voice to the conversation but misspelled the word governor.

Following the spelling mistake, Jaguar was humiliated by Kenyans online who asked him to improve his English.