UN Spokesman Reacts to Roselyne Akombe Resuming Her Job

The UN Secretary-General's Spokesperson has reacted to reports that former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Commissioner Roselyne Akombe has resumed her job at the Organization.

During a press briefing on Thursday, the Spokesperson, Stephanie Dujarric, noted that he does not have the information on her getting back to her previous job.

This came after he was asked to confirm whether the former Commissioner had resumed her duties at the UN as indicated by Akombe in an earlier interview.

 "I can't vouch for the veracity of the quotes, but that's not the information I have, but I will be happy to look at what the Daily Nation says,"Mr Dujarric noted.

[caption caption="Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric"][/caption]

The Spokesman was being question by journalists regarding various UN issues when Akombe's issue was raised.

"Yes, I'm back at my old job, but I am prevented from talking to the press. This was contained in the new contract I signed recently. Did she get her job back?" the journalist posed.

Here is the link of the UN transcript: http://www.un.org/press/en/2017/db171102.doc.htm

Nonetheless, according to the deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq, Ms Akombe was on leave until the end of the year.

On Thursday, the former Commissioner announced that she had returned to work at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City two weeks after she resigned from IEBC.

“Yes, I’m back at my old job, but I’m prohibited from talking to the press. This was contained in the new contract I signed recently,” she stated in a phone interview.

[caption caption="Secretary General Antonio Guterres"][/caption]

Dr Akombe worked at the UN Secretariat in New York as a political advisor before taking a leave and traveling to Kenya to join the electoral body.