High Court Judge Asked to Step Down From Election Case

An application has been filed seeking to remove Kirinyaga High Court Judge Abigael Mshila from hearing a petition challenging Senator Charles Kibiru's win in the August 8 election.

Former Senator Daniel Karaba has accused Justice Mshila of planning to rule in favour of Senator Kibiru in the case.

Mr Karaba expressed fears of being shortchanged by the judge following her earlier ruling in which she dismissed his request to have the votes recounted.

[caption caption="Former Kirinyaga Senator Daniel Karaba"][/caption]

Through his lawyer Kibe Mungai, Mr Karaba criticised the court for failing to compel IEBC to produce a certified copy of register indicating the number of voters who cast their ballots on August 8.

The former Senator has filed the application under a certificate of urgency ahead of a hearing of the election suit.

In previous sessions, Mr Karaba told the court that Jubilee party agents assigned to him turned against him on election day forcing him to enlist independently hired agents.

The former Senator went on to allege that his new agents were barred from accessing polling stations to monitor vote tallying.

"Even the super-agent appointed by the party to oversee the elections in the county did not want to cooperate with me hence my agents resulted to unorthodox means to obtain some of the elections results from various polling stations," Mr Karaba told the court.

He indicated that the blocking of his new agents was meant to facilitate the manipulation of votes for the independent candidate who finally won the election.

IEBC lawyer Charles Mwongela, however, blamed Mr Karaba for failing to ensure his agents had the necessary permits to enter polling stations.

Mr Kibiru was declared the winner as an independent candidate after garnering 147,925 votes against Karaba's (Jubilee Party) 130,925 votes.

[caption caption="Kirinyaga Senator Charles Kibiru"][/caption]

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