DPP Tobiko's Plan to Block Jimmy Wanjigi From Leaving Kenya

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Keriako Tobiko has asked a court to direct billionaire businessman Jimmy Wanjigi not to leave the country without permission from the police and or the court pending completion of ongoing investigations.

Tobiko wants the court to direct Mr Wanjigi to submit more documents as surety that he will be within the court's jurisdiction until investigations are complete.

Through his attorney Josphat Gichuki, the DPP also wants the court to adjust anticipatory bail terms granted to Wanjigi in October.

According to Tobiko, the bail amount granted to Wanjigi (Sh50,000) is too low given the offence he is being investigated for.

Police are investigating Wanjigi for allegedly being illegally in possession of firearms.

[caption caption="Jimmy Wanjigi"][/caption]

Through his lawyer Julie Soweto, Wanjigi has vehemently opposed the move by the DPP.

He described Tobiko's application as insincere and mischievous.

Soweto noted that police had never questioned Mr Wanjigi or carried on with investigations since they raided his Muthaiga home and destroyed property.

She affirmed that the application was only meant to curtail her client's freedom of movement and subject him to oppression.

Justice Chacha Mwita will rule on the application on January 31, 2017.

[caption caption="Jimmy Wanjigi addressing a press briefing after his home was raided by Police"][/caption]

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