President Uhuru Kenyatta Invites Children to Play in State House [VIDEOS &PHOTOS]

State House, the official residence of the President of Kenya was on Sunday turned into playground

President Uhuru Kenyatta hosted various children and their families at the State House.

The children were drawn from various children homes, State House staff and Police officers families.

This event was occassioned courtesy of President Kenyatta.

[caption caption="Individuals at state House Kenya "][/caption][caption caption="Children at State House in Kenya"][/caption]


According to Senior Director of Innovation, Digital and Diaspora Communication in the Office of the President Mr Dennis Itumbi, the event was the President's early christmas gift to the children.

"State House is today a Playground for children drawn from various Children homes, State House staff and Police officers families,early Christmas party courtesy President Uhuru Kenyatta,"" he stated through his Facebook page.

The children engaged in various playing activities within the State House compound.

The President and first lady Margaret Kenyatta were present during the fete.

Here are the videos: