Men, Here’s the Only Thing you Need to get Through Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day has come to be the one day of the year when men, especially those in relationships, are expected to put their best foot forward and impress their mates.

While most men don’t care for the day and could easily brush it off in protest, the day can still be marked with absolutely no pressure.

A recent study indicated that most Kenyan couples mark "Lovers Day" by having dinner at a classy restaurant with their valentine. Easy and convenient. However, there is the issue of cost.

In classic fashion-if going to an unfamiliar eatery-one would much rather carry plastic money and swipe to be safe rather than embarrass yourself by being extra frugal should the prices end up being too high. Actually, most restaurants tend to have all sorts of extra charges during this time to capitalize on the moment.

[caption caption="File image of a romantic dinner set-up in the wild"][/caption]

Exchanging gifts is also expected of the day and most times one is never sure what to get.

Most men suck at gifting so to avoid all the drama, take your valentine to the mall and let them choose whatever they want (within reason of course) and plastic money will have you covered.

With various deals being offered for the season and aura of spending lingering everywhere, there are endless possibilities for women.

Furthermore, men are trying to impress and there is nothing more impressive to a lady than a generous man.

Bearing this in mind, then running out of cash is not an option and that’s where Co-op VISA card comes in. They hold your hand and make sure you sail through the tide of love like a champion.

Learn more about the Co-op VISA Card today.

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