Miguna Miguna's Lawyers Outsmart Police to Sneak Phone into His Cell

Self-proclaimed NRM general Miguna Miguna's lawyer outsmarted Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) police and managed to sneak a phone to him for communication.

In an interview with the BBC on Wednesday, his lawyer Cliff Ombeta stated that his client's phone was confiscated, making accessibility difficult.

Ombeta revealed that one of the officers watching him was a sympathiser and made it easier for them to give him a phone.

He further stated that Miguna is slightly unwell but is keeping up.

"We spoke to him last night. He is slightly unwell but he is keeping up and we got someone to sneak a phone to him," Ombeta stated.

[caption caption="Lawyer Cliff Ombeta"][/caption]

The lawyer also noted that when they spoke to Miguna, he confirmed that the Canadian consulate had visited him despite being detained.

"Miguna has been given permission to enter the country by the courts without conditions and the government intentionally refused to provide his travel documents," Ombeta remarked.

On Wednesday morning, Miguna issued a statement stating he was being held incommunicado in a "tiny, filthy" toilet and he had been denied access to his lawyers, food, water and other basics.

He further alleged that he lost Ksh150,000 during his altercation with police at the airport

His lawyers were forced to pin the court order for his release on a wall at the airport after officials apparently went into hiding to avoid receiving them.

[caption caption="Lawyer Miguna Miguna"][/caption]

The document names Immigration officials and OCPD of the JKIA as respondents.