Facebook Introduces Changes in Privacy Settings After Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Facebook on Wednesday announced new changes that will enable users to control their privacy and security settings in a better way.

The feature will allow people to change their privacy and security settings from one section rather than having to go to numerous segments across the social media platform.

The company is also launching a new page called “Access Your Information,” on which users can further evaluate the information they’ve shared and manage it.

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From there, they can delete anything from their timeline or profile that they don’t want to appear on Facebook.

Facebook began developing the centralized system last year but sped it up recently after revelations that a British political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica, improperly harvested the information of 50 million users of the social network.

In Kenya for instance, British public-service television broadcaster Channel 4 exposed the role Cambridge Analytica played in President Uhuru Kenyatta's campaigns.

In an undercover report, Managing Director Cambridge Analytica Mark Turnbull is filmed admitting to running the 2013 and 2017 campaigns for Kenyatta.

“We have rebranded the entire party twice, written the manifesto, done research, analysis, messaging. I think we wrote all the speeches and we staged the whole thing - so just about every element of this candidate,” he states in the secretly recorded video.

Director of Digital Innovations and Diaspora Communications at the Office of the President Dennis Itumbi, however, refuted those claims stating Kenyatta's campaign was run by Kenyan youth.

"The credit for strategy, the formation of TNA & URP, messaging, communication and event branding belongs to a group of young Kenyans and the candidates themselves, anything else is wishful thinking," he added.

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