Larry Madowo Gets a Hearty Marriage Recommendation

Former NTV journalist and anchor Larry Madowo has received a surprise wedding proposition days after announcing his resignation from Nation Media Group (NMG).

Larry had posted several photos from a small farewell party organized by his former colleagues at the TV station.

Kenyans were however quick to pick a photo of Larry alongside former co-anchor Victoria Rubadiri smiling with such abandoned elegance.

[caption caption="The photo posted by Larry Madowo with Victoria Rubadiri"][/caption]

The comments took a whole new twist with his fans candidly proposing that the two should walk down the aisle.

Please Larry ,Marry @VickyRubadiri
She's awesome; calming the storms
The best I know

— Vickery Omwandho (@OmwandhoVickery) April 4, 2018

Well, is this Vicky?? could be the reason you're leaving NTV, wedding bands on the way? could be? The best man wins. I sign off!

— Becky (@Becky771918) April 4, 2018

Others took the matter, personally petitioning Madowo for what they termed as a failure to act on his and in extension their best interests and marry Rubadiri.

Now we want you to get A wife and settle down ,Atleast sahi utakua na time ya wife and top of that make handsome childrens like you.. All the best my big bro

— Branson Kelvin (@BransonKelvin) April 4, 2018

The faithful audience that the two had built over the years could not help expressing how nostalgic Larry's exit would be.

Most importantly, their fans could not help empathising with Rubadiri and the impact Larry's exit would have on her career at NTV.

"I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams and that faith gives you the courage To dare to do great things.

[caption caption="Larry Madowo during the farewell party"][/caption]

"Bittersweet saying goodbye to the most amazing team on Kenyan television. I will miss them terribly," Larry captioned the pictures from the farewell party.

[caption caption="Larry, Rubadiri and Masai"][/caption]