Tamara Risheel Alleges to Be Uhuru's Daughter

Photo's of a lady alleging to be President Uhuru Kenyatta's daughter holding a placard in Upperhill Nairobi have stirred up social media.

The lady who identifies herself as Tamara Risheel says that she wants to have an audience with the Head of State whom she indicates she has never met.

Tamara further states that she adores the president although she does not include any contact in the message written on the placard.

[caption caption="Tamara Risheel"][/caption]

Images seen by Kenyans.co.ke show the lady holding the placard by the roadside with a background that resembles Kilimani skyline, Nairobi.

Social media users were quick to make fun out of the situation under the #IfikieUhuru tagline which is a variation of the #IfikieWazazi slogan.

#IfikieWazazi was a social media call urging parents to take responsibility and charge over their children after photos of teenagers taking what were considered indecent pictures in Nairobi emerged.

[caption caption="Tamara Risheel"][/caption]

In a short interview conducted by a passerby, Tamara notess: "I love my dad with all my heart and soul."

Questioned whether she was not worried if people would perceive her move as a stunt, she replied: "I am just by myself and I believe in myself."

Here are more photos: