DP William Ruto Best Man at Former CS Willy Bett's Wedding

Deputy President William Ruto was the best man at former Agriculture CS Willy Bett's wedding on Wednesday.

The private wedding was held in Karen and only a few leaders were present during the evening event.

Photos that emerged online showed the DP standing beside Bett and his wife Rachel during the ceremony.

According to The Star, the wedding was to take place last year but the Cabinet reshuffle and the uncertainty during the period forced the couple to push it forward.

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The event was also graced by former CSs who served with Bett including Phyllis Kandie, and Jacob Kaimenyi.

Bett was among CSs who were dropped by President Uhuru Kenyatta in January but was appointed an ambassador to India.

On Thursday, Ruto also divulged that he met his wife Rachel in Kakamega.

Speaking during the Devolution Conference in the county, the DP admitted that he is a frequent visitor to Governor Wycliffe Oparanya's backyard.

"Oparanya says I come to Kakamega often. It's true. I got my better half from here.

"When I came to pay dowry, I went to Likuyani. Those looking for a reason as to why I hang around here often ... you now know why" he revealed.

"You don't forget that place easily ... Like the Bible says, he who finds a wife finds a good thing ... aside from the fact that I am just a neighbour," he added.

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