Uhuru's Followers Disagree with Him Over Ruto's 2022 Bid

President Uhuru Kenyatta's supporters have sharply differed with him over his recent remarks in Murang'a and on his way to Nairobi after attending Matiba's requiem mass on Thursday.

Speaking at Ihura Stadium in Murang'a, Uhuru had urged the local leaders to steer off politics and instead concentrate on delivering to the electorate.

Addressing roadside meetings at  Kenol, Witeithie and Githurai the Head of State reiterated his earlier message telling Governors Mwangi Wa Iria, Mike Sonko and Ferdinand Waititu to focus on service delivery to their counties.

[caption caption="Uhuru consoling with Edith Matiba"][/caption]

Uhuru who was in the company of Deputy President William Ruto further indicated that given his agenda is to continue improving the lives of Kenyans, politicians from his backyard should not give misplaced attention on 2022 politics.

[caption caption="Sentiments from a section of Kenyans"][/caption]

A section of his supporters, however, appear to have read more than meets the eye in Uhuru's message alluding to a possible scuttling of DP Ruto's plan to succeed him at the country's helm.

This saw them take to Facebook warning the President against undermining his deputy in the succession politics.

The recent handshake is believed by a section of Kenyans to possibly jeopardize DP 2022 Presidential bid.