Uhuru's Apology Should Be Treated With Caution - Lawyer Steve Ogolla

Outspoken city lawyer Steve Ogolla on Thursday lauded President Uhuru Kenyatta for apologising to the nation but stated that the apology should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Ogolla called on political leaders to expound on the consequences of the handshake and warned that it should not be used to determine when there should be 'disquiet or cohesion' in the country.

"We appreciate the apology by the President, but we receive it with caution. Politicians already provide mechanisms to ensure there is cohesion.

"The political class needs to tell us the consequences of the handshake. It should not be up to the political elite to determine when there should be disquiet and when there should be cohesion," he remarked during an interview on Citizen TV.

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He further added that politicians should exercise honesty at all times for the handshake to bear fruit.

"Apologies must come with accountability. The political elite must be honest, disinherit the culture of bad manners.

"Building Bridges initiative has a chance of success if it is accompanied by honesty and decency," he added.

Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu, however, was optimistic after the apology, asserting the President had come clean regarding the handshake.

"We have had speculations about what the handshake was about. Yesterday, the President told us it was about uniting the country.

"There are regrettable things that happened. However, we will still have different opinions that moving forward, we will have to agree to disagree," he reiterated.

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