ANC Leader Musalia Mudavadi Plans to Outsmart Raila in Coast

Amani National Congress (ANC) Coast Secretary General Jimmy Azangu has divulged that the party leader Musalia Mudavadi is working to ensure that the Coastal Region is ANC's second epicentre after Western ahead of 2022 polls. 

According to Azangu, the party has in the recent day been holding several meetings that will enable it to familiarise itself with the people. 

Azungu also stated that the party has frequent meetings with potential strong candidates in a bid to strengthen the party in the region so as to scoop seats in the face of its dismal performance in the last election. 

[caption caption="File image of ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi and Mombasa governor Hassan Joho"][/caption]

He further asserted that Musalia is the best hope for the Coastal people since NASA leader Raila Odinga joined forces with the ruling party. 

The party official exclaimed: "After the handshake, most Coast votes are now undecided. We are capitalising on every bit to turn the region into an ANC zone." 

 "The politics of 2022 will be very unpredictable. It will be tougher than 2017. We are plotting the win today," Azangu exclaimed.

Additionally, Azangu claimed that because of the uncertainties in NASA, they are planning for the 2022 polls as early as "now."

"Because of uncertainties in NASA, we won't wait until the last minute to be edged out by our brothers (ODM)," Azangu affirmed.

Mr Mudavadi has since been planning to have a merger with the Ford Kenya party being led by Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula

However, the plans have had challenges as cracks have emerged among the leaders of Ford-Kenya and ANC on how to pick top officials when the two parties merge.

While Ford-Kenya deputy party leader Boni Khalwale has reportedly suggested Mudavadi should be the overall leader based on his experience and seniority in politics, other officials have rejected the proposal. 

[caption caption="File image of NASA principals Moses Wetangula and Musalia Mudavadi"][/caption]