DPP Directs Boinnet to Probe Solai Dam Tragedy, Give Report Within 14 Days

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji on Friday directed Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet to immediately launch investigations into the Solai Dam tragedy.

Haji further asked the IG to ensure those at fault are brought to book as soon as possible.

“DPP has directed the IG @JBoinnet to carry out thorough investigations to establish cause & culpability if any of Patel Dam disaster & forward resultant investigation file to him in 14 days #SolaiDamTragedy,” read a tweet posted on the ODPP’s handle.

[caption caption="DPP Noordin Haji"][/caption]

The tragedy has so far claimed over 44 lives in one of the worst recorded flood-related incidents in recent times.

Elsewhere, Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) Rift Valley region manager Simon Wang'ombe declared the Solai Dam project illegal.

Speaking to the press on Thursday, the official stated that numerous attempts to have the seven-dam project regularised had been ignored by the owner.

The owner of the farm is one Patel Mansukul, said to be a reserved man who chose to remain scarce despite his vast estate.

Mr Patel owns a 2,000-acre farm in Solai area and has employed thousands of workers who tend to his cut flowers farm.

The restricted-access farm is behind the well-known Solai Roses brand and hosts five mega-dams and two smaller ones within the same estate.

"It is impossible to enter the farm without prior arrangements," a former civil leader who resides at Nyakinyua village told The Standard.

The Patel family has been involved in a variety of community projects over the years including building a classroom at the Solai Secondary School and purchasing equipment for a maternity clinic in the area.

The family has, however, denied locals access to the seven dams maintaining them as private property.

Veteran politician Koigi Wamwere, who represented the area in parliament when it was Nakuru North constituency, contended against the Solai owners over sharing of the dam's waters with the locals.

"I once met one of the Patels long time ago when I was representing the area in parliament and they were very reclusive people besides doing a few community social responsibility projects in the area," he told reporters.

[caption caption="Photo of the Solai Dam Tragedy"][/caption]

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