Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris Wishes Daughter Makenna Happy Birthday on Twitter

Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris on Tuesday took to social media to wish her daughter MaKenna Ngugi a happy birthday.

Passaris posted: "In my daughter's eyes, I see a mature girl ready to take on the world, one who can think deeply and dare to find solutions.

"I love you Kenna and I know you will bloom in your own time. Don't rush through life's mysteries, but enjoy every stage. Happy, Happy 22nd Birthday."

[caption caption="Esther Passaris Passaris daughter Makenna"][/caption]

Upon her heartfelt message, Kenyans online joined her in passing on positive thoughts to her daughter.

A section of Kenyans was, however, interested in one thing - getting Makenna's phone number.

[caption caption="Esther Passaris Passaris daughter Makenna"][/caption]

"Please give me her number!" one used stated.

Another requested: "Kindly attach her cell phone number as well."

Others took the opportunity to present themselves as potential suitors to her daughter.

"I need coordinates to your compound. Who knows, luck may make me your son-in-law," one user implied.

"Hbd na ujue nitakuletea ng'ombe akikuwa mkubwa (Happy Birthday to her and know that I will pay you dowry when she gets older)," another wrote.

Passaris replied to the man urging him to work hard to be worthy to marry a lady.

"Hard work. Good Values and Character. Never Luck. She isn't a lottery ticket. A beautiful soul waiting for her soul mate. Mummy has nothing to do with it. This is where #DreamsNotValid. The Science and Statistics of life are harder and tougher in real life than in the classroom," she responded.

[caption caption="Responses to Esther Passaris' post"][/caption]