Sonko Nominates Miguna Deputy Governor

Nairobi governor Mike Sonko nominated controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna as his deputy.

Sonko made the announcement on Wednesday evening in a letter addressed to the Speaker of the county assembly Beatrice Elachi.

"In regard to the Supreme Court advisory to the appointment of a deputy governor, upon the seat falling vacant," his letter begins. "I hereby forward my nominee Lawyer Miguna Miguna to undergo a full vetting process and approval by the County assembly for the position," Sonko stated.

The nomination was confirmed by Nairobi county deputy director of Communication Elkana Jacob and Miguna's lawyer Cliff Ombetta.

Here is a copy of the letter:

[caption caption="Governor Sonko's letter nominating Miguna as his DG"][/caption]

Elaborating on the decision, Sonko indicated: "The nominee meets all the requirements provided for in the Constitution, the Leadership and Integrity Act, the Elections Act and County Government Act."

Miguna had earlier in the day communicated that