Francis Kimemia Hires Mukami Kimathi as Adviser

Dedan Kimathi’s widow, Mukami Kimathi, is set to join the Nyandarua County Government as an advisor to Governor Francis Kimemia.

“As the governor I am allowed to appoint anyone in my government as an adviser or in any other capacity. I would like to work with Ms Mukami,” Kimemia announced.

Ms Mukami accepted the offer and thanked the governor for the position.

[caption caption="Mukami Kimathi"][/caption]

“The words spoken by the governor are not in vain. They are proof that the county is keen to be progressive,” she noted.

Ms Mukami who is also tasked with seeking peace and promoting cohesion amongst Nyandarua residents will be joined in her duties by Mau Mau Veterans Association Chairman Mzee Eloijah Nga’ang’a Kinyua.

Speaking during the Madaraka Day Celebrations, Kimemia mentioned that his aim is to incorporate more freedom fighters in the county government.

The governor noted that the veterans have vast experience in uniting citizens due to how they rallied people to fight for independence.

He also mentioned that they have the capability of advising the youth on the vital lessons of life.

“We will work with her and other Mau Mau fighters as advisers. We will also pay for their NHIF contributions to ensure that they have ease in accessing health facilities.” he noted.

[caption caption="Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia"][/caption]

Kimemia also disclosed that the county has a Sh60 million budget to cater for the veterans remuneration.

The county government has also set aside 25 acres of land in Kinyahwe for the construction of Mau Mau Museum in an attempt to preserve the heritage of the fighters.

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