Moses Wetangula Declares NASA Dead

Ford-Kenya party leader and Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula on Monday dismissed the possibility of joining forces with Deputy President William Ruto

He explained that his own party needed capacity building ahead of the 2022 elections and that he had no intention of joining a rival.

"How can I join another camp when I have my own camp?" the politician posed. 

Wetangula also declared that the Opposition coalition, National Super Alliance (NASA) is dead.

[caption caption="DP William Ruto shakes hands in greeting with Senator Moses Wetangula during a past event"][/caption]

"NASA, in my opinion, is a moribund organization. NASA is history. And those who ignore history run the risk of repeating mistakes," he stated.

According to the Senator, ODM party leader Raila Odinga only shook hands with President Uhuru Kenyatta hoping to gain political mileage.

The senator spoke during a party members' forum organised in Kilifi County as he hinted that he may opt to go it alone during the 2022 election season.

Fellow co-principals Musalia Mudavadi and Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka have also conveyed that they are no longer interested in the NASA outfit.

"How come when we voted for Raila to a man last year it was all okay but now when we present our tickets to Kenyans for the top seat, you hear someone arguing that we first put our house in order. Was it not in order when we voted last year?" Mudavadi posed.

Kalonzo is quoted as having declared: "We will not take it easy anymore, not anymore," referring to the apparent backseat position Mr Odinga has forced them to take in Opposition politics.

[caption caption="Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka with ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi"][/caption]

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