NACADA Report Shows Drugs Abused Most in Kenya

A recent survey by the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (Nacada) revealed a shocking 23.3 percent of Kenyans are abusing at least one drug.

Among the most abused substances include alcohol, tobacco, bhang and miraa.

Drug use remains prevalent despite intensified attempts to create awareness on the effects of drug abuse.

Nacada CEO Victor Okioma, speaking in Iten during the launch of an 80-bed rehabilitation center, noted that, “The agency is now planning to carry out county surveys aimed at achieving a clear picture on the situation of drug abuse in counties.”

According to the CEO, alcohol, tobacco, miraa and bhang are the most abused drugs in the country in that order.

According to a 2017 survey carried out on Kenyans aged 15-65, results showed that 12.2% were using alcohol, 8.3% were using tobacco, 4.1% were using khat/miraa and 1.0% were using bhang/cannabis.

“The youth are the majority and the problem (drug abuse and addiction) is getting into schools,” a concerned Okioma reiterated.

He further insisted on the need for counties to strictly regulate licensing of bars to reduce access to alcohol, especially among students.

Marakwet Governor Alex Tolgos confirmed that the 80-bed rehabilitation center will be equipped and operationalized before August this year.

He further urged counties to establish more rehabilitation centers which will help in reintegration of addicts back to society and make them productive members of the society.


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