Kiambu on Spot Over Irregular Ksh1 Billion Spending Spree

Kiambu MCAs are on the spot for spending Ksh1 billion in the past financial year for office maintenance.

The 92 ward representatives are said to have each spent Ksh11 million in the maintenance of their offices, a new report revealed.

The report was tabled before the county’s Budget and Appropriation Committee on the county’s 2019/20 budget.

Joseph Igogo, the county assembly clerk defended the outrageous amounts before the committee stating that the county was actually spending the least in the country to maintain the MCAs' offices.

"The cost of maintaining one MCA in Kiambu in one year is Ksh11 million while the cost of maintaining one MCA in Lamu is Ksh22 million,” Igogo affirmed.

The Standard reported that despite the alarm raised over the outrageous allocation, the MCAs were the biggest beneficiaries of the 2019/2020 budget passed in late June.

In the Ksh15.6 billion allocations that they unanimously approved, the 60 elected MCAs will get more than Ksh77 million, translating to Ksh108,000 per month for their ward office expenses.

The legislators also allocated themselves Ksh8 million for foreign travel when the budget was read.

32 nominated MCAs, on the other hand, got Ksh14 million each. All the 60 wards have also been allocated Ksh120 million for the rehabilitation of roads.

The Kiambu county budget is set to be funded by a Ksh9.2 billion allocation from the national government, conditional grants amounting to Ksh3.4 billion, and the rest from county revenue sources.