Uhuru's Most Powerful Female Boss at State House

The two most popular women at State House are First Lady Margaret Kenyatta and Spokesperson Kanze Dena. 

Inside the house on the hill is Ruth Kagia who serves as the deputy chief of staff in charge of policy and strategy. 

It is reported that she was very instrumental in the formulation of the president's Big 4 Agenda. 

When Uhuru gathered high-level delegates in November 2018 to help chart the course of Kenya's economy, she was among the only two women in attendance. 

At that time, she was an advisor on international relations and social sectors but was soon after elevated to her current position. 

Having worked at the World Bank for over 20 years, Kagia is now smack in the centre of formulating and driving the government’s political and socio-economic development programmes.

She rose to become the country director for Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland based in Pretoria, South Africa and up to June 2010, she also had responsibility over Madagascar and Mauritius.

The deputy chief of staff is passionate about education as her LinkedIn account indicates. 

Between 2001 and 2008, as World Bank's global education director, she oversaw the coordination of the World Bank Education Global Program with a total active portfolio of Ksh1.1 trillion in 90 countries. 

“When our economy is robust, when it is on an upward trajectory, everybody benefits. There are more jobs, there is more cash in people’s pockets. It brings a sense of togetherness. 

"On the other hand, when it is disrupted, whether as a result of politics or catastrophes such as drought, the people who suffer most are the ordinary Kenyans who don’t have strong safety nets,” Kagia told a forum organised by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance in 2017.