Mother Sits For KCSE 10 Years Later After Ridicule from In-Laws

The ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) has opened up old wounds, for a mother who had been forced to postpone sitting her final exam for 10 years.

According to a report filed by KNA, Faith Chebet Ngetich, a mother of one, was among 699,745 students who began the exams on Monday, November 5.

The 26-year-old who got married in 2011 dropped out of school in 2006 while in form two at Cheptalai Secondary School due to lack of school fees.

However, it was not the hardship after dropping out that pushed her to resume her education but the constant ridicule from her in-laws.

“In my fourth year of marriage I resolved to go back to school and my decision arose from the ill-treatment and verbal abuses I received in my new home," she told KNA amid tears.

She was determined to go back to school to earn the respect that comes with completing basic education and so in December 2015 she made the decision.

In 2016, Ngetich worked as a tea picker to save enough money to take her back to school and a year later had saved Ksh 30,000, earning her a place at Kusumek Mixed Secondary School.

Faith is the oldest in her class of 55 candidates and is optimistic that she will outshine her classmates in the KCSE exams, with a B+ or better.

“My desire is to uplift the living standards of my family. Get admission to a teacher's college to train as a teacher and end up to be a teacher will be my greatest joy,” she disclosed.

Chebet is grateful to her husband Charles Ngetich’s support and financial assistance in resuming her education.

Ngetich also dropped out of school in class seven disclosed that he could not object to his wife's quest for education because he saw the passion behind it.

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