The continued fiery verbal battle between Deputy President William Ruto and ODM party leader Raila Odinga, took another turn on Wednesday, November 12, when the DP issued two demands to Raila over the concluded Kibra by-elections.
Ruto while accusing Raila of perpetrating violence in party politics, on Twitter, went on to outline a chronology of violent events he claimed Raila had been involved in since the 1980s.
The deputy president associated Raila's alleged associations with the violence in Kibra with the projected outcomes of the controversial Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) before issuing his demands.
"Tinga(Raila)/his party's trail of political conmanship/deceit from Kanu thro' Cord to Nasa and now heading to Jubilee; and a litany of violence from 82'coup to Kibra cannot be hidden behind BBI,"
"As a Minimum [Raila] must 1) publicly renounce violence as a political tool. 2) undertake to accept defeat," he demanded.
The on-and-off online battles between the two leaders were witnessed from Friday, November 8, after Jubilee's McDonald Mariga condeded defeat to ODM's Imran Okoth in the heavily contested by-election.
On Sunday, November 10, KTN's Tony Gachoka, launched an attack against the DP that backfired on the TV host's face.
Gachoka accused Ruto of looting public funds drawing an avalance of backlash from the Jubilee's Tanga Tanga faction allied to the DP.