Citizen TV Apologises to Nairobi DJ During Prime Time News

Citizen TV anchor Trevor Ombija hosting a forum at Laico Regency hotel on November 26, 2019.
Citizen TV anchor Trevor Ombija hosting a forum at Laico Regency Hotel on November 26, 2019.

Citizen TV apologized to a popular Nairobi entertainer who is known by his moniker VDJ Jones for the wrong use of his photo during a news bulletin about the murder of his close friend DJ Mike Kay.

The apology was delivered personally to Jones and on-air by news anchor Trevor Ombija during his Monday Report bulletin on May 3.

“This is why we're starting this story with an apology because during our earlier broadcast at 7 pm we inadvertently used the wrong pictures of VDJ Jones while making reference to DJ Mike Kay,” Trevor Ombija stated. 

The late DJ Mike Kay (left) and VDJ Jones posing for a photo
The late DJ Mike Kay (left) and VDJ Jones posing for a photo

DJ Mike Kay’s body was found in River Mathioya in Murang’a County over the weekend. The two were very close friends, with Jones recalling how he trained Mike Kay. 

The entertainer had threatened to pursue legal avenues against the station for the blunder as well as the reporter who compiled the story. 

“I wish to disassociate myself from this report by Citizen TV Nipashe News. I am alive and kicking. I will press charges against Citizen TV and the reporter Gatete Njoroge,” Jones stated. 

Back to the murder story, residents bordering three rivers in Murang’a County are living in fear following weekly reports of bodies being dumped in those water bodies.

10 bodies have been retrieved from River Mathioya, River Thika, and River Mukangai in a span of six months. 

Five of the bodies were discovered in the two areas in the past two weeks alone.

“We have not identified three of the bodies or where they came from but the others were identified because they lived in this village. We are very worried about our security,” one of the residents stated.

The lack of streetlights, narrow paths and thickets make it an easy spot for dumping bodies.

“This place is not safe to pass past 11pm. Even if your car broke down you’re better off leaving it here,” the villager added. 

One of the bodies of the Kitengela quartet was also retrieved in one of the rivers in Murang’a. 

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