Mama Ida's Promise to 17-Yr-Old Who Gifted Raila State House Dummy

A collage image of Mama Ida Odinga together with Wellington Otieno in Karen (LEFT) and the State House dummy he gifted former Prime Minister Raila Odinga (RIGHT).
A collage image of Mama Ida Odinga together with Wellington Otieno in Karen (LEFT) and the State House dummy he gifted former Prime Minister Raila Odinga (RIGHT).

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's wife, mama Ida Odinga, has promised to ensure that Wellington Otieno remains in school days after the 17-year-old gifted her husband a State House dummy.

During a meeting with Otieno at their Karen residence on Friday, May 27, Ida noted that art was important and talented students like the 17-year-old needed to be mentored.

She further promised to ensure that talented students finish their schooling through the Linda Kesho program.

Mama Ida Odinga meeting with Wellington Otieno and his family In Karen on May 27, 2022.
Mama Ida Odinga meeting with Wellington Otieno and his family In Karen on May 27, 2022.
Ida Odinga

"Today I am inspired by a Form Three student at Masikonde Day School in Narok who designed and built a miniature State House dummy. 

"Art strengthens critical thinking, through Linda Kesho, I commit to ensuring that Wellington and other talented children like him stay in school," she stated.

Otieno was accompanied by his family to the Friday meeting.

The meeting between the two came after Otieno's mother expressed her disappointment over the treatment of her son after gifting Raila during a rally on May 22. She alleged that a youth group was recognised for the state House dummy yet her son built it himself.

"I was saddened when I saw it being reported that a group of youth from Narok gifted Raila the 'State House' yet it was my son who made it single-handedly," she stated.

While receiving the gift alongside his running mate, Narc Kenya leader, Martha Karua, Raila stated that the gift was a testament to what will happen in August.

"What is that? Is it the State House?" he marvelled. "Give it to Martha. Come so that we can stand next to our State House. That will be my residence and Martha will have an office inside it. Come we take a photo with our State House," he stated.

On his part, Otieno stated that he was elated to have gifted the former premier a dummy, stating that he started practicing art at a tender age.

"I still want to present this gift to him in person so that he keeps it until he ascends to the real State House. I would also love to visit the real State House and even meet the current occupant, President Uhuru Kenyatta," he stated.

Wellington Otieno, 17, shows off the 'Statehouse' art that he made  at their home in Majengo slums on the outskirts of Narok town on May 23,2022
Wellington Otieno, 17, shows off the 'Statehouse' art that he made at their home in Majengo slums on the outskirts of Narok town on May 23, 2022.