Nyandarua, Meru and Elgeyo Marakwet counties were ranked as the fastest in wealth creation in the country, in the period between 2013 and 2020.
The Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA), in its latest edition of the Kenya County Fact Sheets, noted that Nyandarua created wealth at a faster rate than all the other 47 counties.
Nyandarua’s contribution to the country's Gross domestic product (GDP) showed a consistent increase, with 1.52 per cent in 2020 from 1.03 per cent in 2013, an increase of 0.49 per cent point.
Led by Governor Francis Kimemia, Nyandarua County which has 5 constituencies and 25 wards was also ranked the top best in the Mt. Kenya & Aberdare Regional Economic Block
Meru County’s contribution to the GDP rose from 3.04 per cent to 3.49 per cent representing a trajectory increase of 0.45 per cent point while Elgeyo Marakwet came third, growing its GDP contribution from 0.76 per cent in 2013 to 1.18 per cent in 2020.
Nairobi, led by Governor Ann Kananu, retained the leading position in GDP contribution over the years since the inception of devolution in 2010 despite recording a decline in the contribution of GDP from 27.55 per cent to 26.99 per cent.
The county contributes around ⅓ of Kenya’s GDP.
CRA says the dominant activities in the country's major cities of Nairobi and Mombasa contributed to 4.72 per cent to the national cake.
Its report further says transport, storage, finance and insurance services unlike in the other 45 countries that depend on agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Mombasa recorded the biggest decline, from 5.55 per cent in 2013 to 4.72 per cent in 2020.
Machakos county also dropped its contribution from 3.89 per cent to 3.17 per cent in 2020.
According to the CRA fact sheet, Nairobi, Nakuru, Kiambu, Mombasa and Meru contributed to 46.9 per cent of total wealth created by the 47 counties with the top 10 contributing to 60 per cent of the National wealth.
Poor counties classified as Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties contributed to only 4.6 per cent. These counties include Isiolo, Samburu, Tana River, Lamu and Wajir.
The main economic activity in these counties is livestock rearing. The CRA fact sheet report classified livestock production as insignificant compared to other sources of creating wealth like manufacturing.
“It's the expectation of the commission that policymakers will use these fact sheets to formulate policies . More importantly the commission hopes citizens will use the third edition of the country fact sheet to hold their leaders accountable.” CRA chairperson Dr Jane Kiringai stated.
All counties, so far, utilized revenue totalling to over Ksh3 trillion. The county's equitable share increased from Ksh 190 billion to Ksh 271 billion in the current Financial Year 2020/2021.