Cops Bust Car Theft Syndicate Vandalising Vehicles at a Home

Vandalized Cars
Two stolen pick-up trucks recovered at a home in Muguga village, Kiambu County on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
Citizen Digital

Police on Wednesday, March 1, reported the discovery of two pick-up vehicles that had been disassembled and locked up at a home in Muguga village, Kiambu County. 

Officers busted a group of suspected car thieves who were on a mission to disassemble stolen vehicles. 

The eight suspects were caught in the act while vandalizing cars that they had stolen from unsuspecting victims around the country. 

In a sting operation, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) conducted the raid and arrested the eight suspected thieves. 

Police scan through part of the stolen goods recovered in Naivasha on Tuesday, December 13, 2022..jpg
Police scan through part of the stolen goods recovered in Naivasha on Tuesday, December 13, 2022.
Citizen Digital

The suspects, six men and two ladies, were placed under custody at King'ero Police Station as DCI continues with its investigation over the matter. 

Kabete Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD) Joseph Muriuki revealed that the officers were in the process of investigating numerous reports of stolen cars when they got wind of the syndicate. 

Muriuki stated that the suspects could not explain why the vehicles were being vandalized at their home in Mugua village. 

"Apart from the two pick-up trucks, we also discovered a saloon car which we are yet to establish the ownership or whether it is also a stolen motor vehicle," Muriuki revealed. 

Police officers noted that they were in the process of collecting more evidence against the suspects before they could be arraigned in court. 

"However, we now know that both pick-up trucks are stolen from their rightful owners and were in the process of being vandalized," Muriuki stated. 

The police boss also revealed that the compound where the vehicles were being vandalized seems to have been abandoned by the owners. 

"We believe that the compound is being used as a conduit for keeping and vandalizing the vehicles which they have stolen from people," Muriuki explained. 

Neighbours to the compound where the recovery was made told journalists that the vehicles which were being disassembled must have come from other parts of the country. 

DCI detectives probe a crime scene in Kenya._1.jpeg
Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) detectives probe a crime scene on Tuesday, April 3, 2021.
DCI Kenya
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