Why DCI Is Yet to Make Arrests in WorldCoin Saga

A photo of DCI boss Amin Mohamed appearing before MPs on September 4, 2023 (left) and Kenyans registering for WorldCoin in Nairobi in March 2023 (right).
A photo of DCI boss Amin Mohamed appearing before MPs on September 4, 2023 (left) and Kenyans registering for WorldCoin in Nairobi in March 2023 (right).
Parliament of Kenya / Bitcoin.com

Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) boss Amin Mohamed provided updates on the agency's investigations on the WorldCoin saga during a closed-door meeting with the National Assembly's joint Ad hoc Committee. 

In a statement dated Monday, September 4, the Committee chaired by Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo detailed that the meeting mostly centred on the state of investigations, with MPs seeking to understand why no arrests were made despite investigations being underway for months.

It was documented that Mohamed explained that his officers were in the process of completing investigations over WorldCoin's activities in the country and that suspects would be arrested in due course.

He indicated that the agency wanted to compile solid evidence before ensuring that those liable for the illegal activities were apprehended. 

A photo collage of Kenyans lined up at KICC (left) to register for WorldCoin and a retina scanner used for the registration exercise.
A photo collage of Kenyans lined up at KICC (left) to register for Worldcoin and an Orb that was used for the registration exercise.
Seth Olale / WorldCoin

"We would like to tell this Committee that all these people have been summoned and have recorded statements. We just need to look at the law, gather evidence, not rumours and we shall soon conclude on who bears criminal culpability to be charged,” Mohamed explained.

He noted that DCI's investigations commenced after they received tip-offs from Kenyans accusing the company of mining data illegally at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).

Mohamed added that he deployed his officers to KICC to gather intel on the registration process and incentives being offered to Kenyans to sign up with WorldCoin. 

He added that the case, however, was compounded by the organisers having documents proving that government agencies had authorised the data mining.

"Despite the organizers producing a certificate of registration in the name of Tools for Humanity Corporation from the Data Protection Commissioner issued on April 18, statements have been recorded and we can confirm that due process of registration for the activities was not followed,” the DCI boss revealed.

As per the statement by the Committee, DCI seized 48 orbs - equipment that was used to capture Kenyans' iris and is being analysed as part of the investigations.

The DCI called on Kenyans with more information about WorldCoin operations to appear before Parliament and offer their accounts to assist with investigations. 

He also requested Parliament to gag the media from covering the hearings, a request that was granted. 

WorldCoin management is expected to appear before the committee this week as MPs enter into the final phase of their investigations. 

Last week, Health CS Susan Nakhumicha warned that Kenyans were exposed to health risks owing to the iris scanning, part of the registration process for WorldCoin. 

“As indicated, there may be Kenyans out there already experiencing different complications or changes in their bodies after undergoing the scan.

"We would like to urge them to report to the nearest health facilities in order to undergo an in-depth examination,” the CS detailed.

Directorate of Criminal Investigation headquarters along Kiambu Road, in an image taken on June, 13, 2022
Officers outside the Directorate of Criminal Investigation headquarters along Kiambu Road on June 13, 2022.
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