Uproar After Mandera County Awards Student Ksh 400K Bursary to Kampala University

Kenyan students protesting hiked school fees in August 2017.

A section of Kenyans has been angered after Mandera County allegedly awarded a student a Ksh400,000 bursary to study in a foreign university.

In statements circulating online, the governor sent the money to the student who studies at Kampala University, which is a private university in neighbouring Uganda.

Kenyans questioned why the county government was awarding such amounts to one student while others were left out.

"This level of nepotism should not be acceptable in our society. We need such leaders to be held accountable," one commented.  

Kirinyaga governor and Chairperson of the Council of Governors Anne Waiguru at the two-day retreat held in Naivasha on Thursday October 13 2022
Kirinyaga governor and Chairperson of the Council of Governors Anne Waiguru (speaking) at the two-day retreat held in Naivasha on Thursday, October 13, 2022
Anne Waiguru

Others speculated that the student was a relative of the governor.  

According to Kenyans, this was a reflection of how some of the politicians were only working to benefit their family members by misappropriating county funds.

Following the revelation, Kenyans called for the impeachment of the governor and others holding public offices who are entrenching nepotism.

Kenyans complained that such governors divert funds meant for development projects and use them for their personal gain.

"Since when did bursaries start catering for private institutions or those outside the country," another questioned.    

However, others argued that if the student qualified, it was right to award him the bursary.

They added that some popular politician have also gotten their family members government jobs and opportunities they did not qualify for.

Corruption has been blamed for the slow development of the devolved units. 

EACC center, Nairobi
A photo of the EACC headquarters, at Integrity House in Nairobi.