Robert Alai Issues Demands Over Restaurant Reopening

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja (left) and Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja (left) and Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai.
Nairobi County/ Robert Alai

Kileleshwa Member of County Assembly (MCA) Robert Alai has raised concerns over circumstances in which the Nairobi County Government lost a case against the owner of a popular restaurant in Nairobi.

In a critical 3-page letter to Governor Johnson Sakaja dated Monday, October 20, obtained by, the firebrand politician hinted that the land on which the restaurant stands may have been illegally allocated to the establishment.

He further poked holes in the circumstances under which the Nairobi County Government lost a case pitting it against the restaurant's parent company.

"It has come to our attention that critical legal procedures were overlooked or negligently handled by your officers and those of KICC during the period when this matter was in court," read the letter in part.

Entrance to Garden Square restaurant in Nairobi.
Entrance to Garden Square restaurant in Nairobi.
Garden Square Restaurant

The matter had been a subject of litigation since 2009 until a verdict was rendered in June 2022.

"The subsequent loss of the case and the lack of pursuit for an appeal by the County, compounded by accusations of bribery within the county executive leadership, present grave concerns," added Alai.

"The court's decision seemingly favoring the restaurant company, with the National Land Commission (NLC) now mandated as the sole point of contact, raises suspicions of impropriety, especially considering the familial ties between the owner and a high-ranking official at NLC."

The MCA, as a result, demanded Sakaja to furnish his office with details and circumstances under which the restaurant's management acquired the property.

He also asked the county boss to explain the county's legal team's involvement and representation during court proceedings and the subsequent decision not to pursue an appeal.

Alai further challenged Sakaja to detail steps taken to halt any unauthorised construction and land partitioning as well as the county's official stance and actions regarding the alleged processing of a land title for the establishment.

"Governor Sakaja, the urgency of this matter cannot be overstated," he concluded.

According to the ruling, the National Land Commission (NLC) was selected as the official administrator of the property.

According to reports, the famous restaurant ran into headwinds mid-2023 forcing its management to shut its doors in June 2023, 50 years since its inception.

The hotel, soon after, reportedly underwent renovations as the management set sights on reopening.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja meets the Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania Friendship group in the French National Assembly (Assemblee Nationale) in Paris, France on October 17, 2023.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja meets the Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania Friendship group in the French National Assembly (Assemblee Nationale) in Paris, France on October 17, 2023.
Johnson Sakaja
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