MP Patrick Makau Leads 10,000 Kenyans to Sue Govt for Demolishing Their Homes

President William Ruto and an excavator demolishes a building in Mavoko.
President William Ruto and an excavator demolishes a building in Mavoko.

Mavoko MP Patrick Makau is mulling a lawsuit against President William Ruto-led government after the demolition of houses in Machakos County.

Makau told activist Boniface Mwangi during their Sunday meeting that the demolitions affected over 10,000 individuals in his County and criticised the manner in which the Head of State handled the situation.

"Those people bought land and were given titles by the same government that demolished them," he stated.

His suit will succeed his previous calls to the Head of State to explain the reasoning behind demolishing the houses instead of engaging the property owners, some of whom had invested millions, in constructive dialogue to find a solution to the matter.

Mavoko MP Patrick Makau.
Mavoko MP Patrick Makau.
Patrick Makau

In his view, Makau argued that instead of demolitions, the government should have asked each of the 10,000 owners to pay a Ksh1 million fee and regularise ownership of their land.

"That would have netted the government 10 billion shillings without causing pain, misery, and depression to the innocent buyers," he added.

Mwangi further noted that the duo agreed to encourage Machakos residents to print and circulate pictures of known land fraudsters to protect innocent land buyers.

Ruto on October 13 ordered the revocation of Portland title deeds, the land recovered and transferred to the Export Processing Zones (EPZ) in Athi River. 

"I have given clear instructions to the management here that all speculators, people who have held titles to pieces of land for 10, 15, 20, 30 years without developing them, should be revoked so that we can give it to people who want to use this facility," he directed.

His directive was informed by a court ruling delivered by a Machakos court that dismissed a suit filed in 2014 by area residents.

In the midst of the demolitions, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) summoned MP Makau and 29 other people to shed light on the illegal acquisition of the contested Portland Cement land.

The grilling was to establish how the land land, belonging to the cement manufacturer was illegally sold to unsuspecting buyers.

The cement company soon after the demolitions announced plans to regularise the sale of the over 900 acres. The company planned to prioritise those who had settled on the land.

Demolitions in Mavoko, Athi River County.
Demolitions in Mavoko, Athi River County.
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