How to Conduct Motor Vehicle Search on NTSA Portal Through eCitizen

Cars in a showroom in Kenya.
Cars in a showroom in Kenya.

Be it a civilian, parastatal, diplomatic, government, or non-government vehicle, all motor vehicles registered in Kenya must have a copy of their record on the National Transport and Safety Authority's platform.

This is because NTSA registers all motor vehicles before issuing number plates, with the information stored permanently on their site.

Even when one changes the ownership of the vehicle, the copy of the record remains the same.

At a fee of Ksh 550, one can access a copy of the record search certificate of any vehicle.

A screenshot showing the NTSA services on the eCitizen platform.
A screenshot showing the NTSA services on the eCitizen platform.

However, with the new consolidation of government systems under the eCitizen portal, vehicle search has been moved from the TIMs portal, and checking vehicle records can be done as illustrated below.

What you need to do:

First log into the eCitizen account

Select the New NTSA service portal 

Go to services, then click on motor vehicle copy of records

From here enter the registration or chassis number for the vehicle then submit

Select payment mode and click on complete

Go to your application history and click on view to download motor vehicle copy of records

Feedback is immediate.

What is a copy of record and what does it entail?

A copy of record is a document that contains detailed information on any motor vehicle.

When one conducts a copy of record search, he might find the chassis and engine number,  details of the registered owner, make and model of the motor vehicle, year of manufacture, date of registration and the caveat status.

A photo of vehicles stuck in traffic along Thika Super Highway
A photo of vehicles stuck in traffic along Thika Super Highway
Derrick Ohalo