Student Goes Missing for Hours, Found Dead in School Swimming Pool

A police van at a crime scene in Mosoriot, Nandi county.
A police van at a crime scene in Mosoriot, Nandi county.

A Nairobi-based school is on the spot after an 11-year-old student from the institution was found dead in the learning centre's swimming pool on Wednesday.

It is reported that the student went missing for hours shortly after arriving at school on Tuesday morning and could not be found for the rest of the day.

According to the boy’s family, the school was unaware of the boy’s absence until later in the day when his father went to pick him up at 4:00 p.m

It was then that the school’s administration initiated a search party to find the young boy.

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Students and staff having a good time at MV World Odyssey
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The family has since raised questions as to why the teachers failed to notice the boy was away for many hours until the family raised concerns.

Further, the parents are also questioning the school’s failure to install CCTV cameras around the whole compound which police officers noted crippled law enforcement's ability to conduct proper investigations.

It was not until later that the boy's body was found inside the school's swimming pool.

The body has since been moved to Chiromo Mortuary awaiting an autopsy to determine what caused the student's death.

By the time of publishing this article, the school was yet to issue a report on the incident.

Currently, the Ministry of Education and the police have launched a probe into the matter to determine the circumstances surrounding the student's death.

In a similar case, that caused uproar, a 9-year-old pupil drowned in a school’s swimming pool during a swimming lesson in Githurai.

According to reports, the student was found in the pool after others had already reported to class, raising questions about student safety in schools.

An image of a team of police officers arriving at a crime scene on December 8, 2021.
An image of a team of police officers arriving at a crime scene in Nairobi on December 8, 2021.
Photo: DCI
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