Millicent Omanga Laments After City Kanjos Allegedly Raid & Close Her Businesses

Former Nominated Senator and Nairobi Women Representative aspirant Millicent Omanga
Former Nominated Senator and Nairobi Women Representative aspirant Millicent Omanga
Millicent Omanga

Nairobi Women Representative aspirant Millicent Omanga on Friday expressed her displeasure after her businesses were allegedly raided and closed by Nairobi city Kanjos.

Taking to her social media platforms, the former nominated senator accused Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaj of instigating the closure.

According to Omanga, the decision to shut down her businesses was prompted by her recent social media sentiments where she took a swipe at Sakaja.

“This illegal and unjustified action follows my comment on the Auditor General's report on Nairobi County, which appears to have infuriated him,” Omanga claimed.

Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga at a rally at Gikomba, Nairobi on July 18Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga at a rally at Gikomba, Nairobi on July 18, 2022, 2022
Former Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga at a rally at Gikomba, Nairobi on July 18, 2022
Millicent Omanga

Omanga who termed the move as bullying claimed the act was politically orchestrated. She also vowed to not bow down to such intimidation.

“I remain steadfast and unbowed and affirm that I'll not be silenced by such cowardly acts," Omanga wrote.

Omanga’s outcry comes days after she hit out at Governor Sakaja where she claimed the Governor mismanagement County Funds. 

The former legislator was referencing the Auditor General’s report, which alleged irregularities in the county's financial management.

“I'm utterly disgusted by the wanton looting and pilfering of Nairobi County finances through exorbitant legal fees paid to lawyers as contained in the latest Auditor-General's report,” Omanga alleged. 

“We were told, "Let's Make Nairobi Work"! Is this the way to do it? Nairobi deserves better,” she added.

Auditor General Nancy Gathungu in her report flagged Nairobi County Government's spending in the Financial Year ending June 2023, with the report unearthing several discrepancies in staff remuneration.

The auditor general flagged irregular payments amounting to Ksh17 million made to 26 county workers.

The report further claimed that about 252 employees were earning net salaries that were less than a third of their basic pay which contravenes the provisions of the Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual for the Public Service, 2016.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja meets Muslim faithfuls in Nairobi on April 6, 2024.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja meets Muslim faithfuls in Nairobi on April 6, 2024.
Johnson Sakaja
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