Government to Introduce New Levies that Will See 80% of Wines and Spirits Outlets Close Shop

More than 60% of bar licenses application in a month in Kiambu County are for wines and spirits shops.

Women from Kabete, Kiambu County recently took matters into their own hands and beat up seven men for over indulging in alcohol- a vice they say has rendered the young men in the county almost functionless in the society.

These shocking statistics are some of the reasons that have pushed Kiambu County into cracking the whip on wines and spirits shops.

The county government is set to increase the increase license fees for wines and spirits outlets in an effort to force most of them to close shop.

Speaking to The Star, County director of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Unit Michael Kang’ethe said that the move is expected to force 80% of the outlets out of business.

He said that the bars selling cheap and most of the time unsafe liquor have constantly been abusing the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act, greatly frustrating the government.

He further praised the women from Kabete who chased men out of the bars last week.

See: 7 Men Beaten Up By Women For Taking Alcohol

Kiambu County has been the object of scrutiny following the excessive alcohol consumption in the area.

See: Kiambu Residents Spend Sh14 Billion On Alcohol

Most people tend to go for cheaper brands which have left them heavily addicted and as residents say, impotent.

Following the inability of such men to father children or work to provide for their families, the women have protested, asking the government to intervene and save the situation.


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