Man's Penis Cut After Risky Enlargement Attempt

A 26-year-old Kenyan man got into trouble after an attempt to enlarge his manhood blocked him from passing urine, forcing doctors at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) to cut a section of his penis.

The man had inserted a metallic ring at the base of his penis to enhance its growth. The organ, after sometime, enlarged leaving the ring tightly stuck at the base which in turn disrupted blood flow to the tip.

Details of the incident published in the International Journal of Surgery, reveal that it took an urgent and delicate operation by specialist surgeons at KNH to save the 26-year-old.

When the patient got to the hospital, he had tried to remove the ring without success as the penis had become too big and dark. Doctors had to cut a section of the penis to release some blood as the ring could not be cut.

“The ring is normally used to prolong male erections by reducing the flow of blood out of the manhood,” quoted the journal.

According to the statements in the medical article, the patient had been using the ring for a while as part of his penile enhancement attempt before starting to use it to enhance sexual performance.

The article is authored by doctors who conducted the delicate procedure: Faraj Alkizim, Daniel Kanyata and Joseph Githaiga, all working at University of Nairobi's Department of Surgery. 

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