Mutahi Ngunyi Opinion on What Raila Odinga Will do if he Loses Elections

Mutahi Ngunyi has revealed Raila Odinga will not accept the results of the August 8 poll in case he loses the elections.

The controversial political analyst stated in his weekly show titled: Urgent Letter to Uhuru Kenyatta regarding NASA: Footnotes to Raila that Mr Odinga will force another grand coalition like he did in 2007by making the country ungovernable.

According to Mr Ngunyi's hypothesis, the Opposition chief will first claim the elections were stolen and then declare himself as the president through his secret tallying center then ask the people to go on the streets so that he gets his way like in 2007.

"Mr Odinga will force another grand coalition by making the ungovernable. First, he will claim the elections were stolen and he will declare himself the president" he stated.

He further stated that President Kenyatta should stop talking about development agendas and concentrate on selling his manifesto with his Deputy William Ruto because his development agenda won't win him any votes.

Read also:Mutahi Ngunyi Advises President Uhuru Kenyatta Not to Underestimate NASA

Here is the video:



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