Raila Ordered to Apologise to Uhuru

Pressure is now mounting on CORD leader Raila Odinga to apologise to President Uhuru Kenyatta for the unprecedented protest staged in Parliament by ODM lawmakers. 

Jubilee leaders on Sunday sent out a message telling Mr Odinga to take responsibility for the whistle blowing by members of his party during the State of the Nation address. 

“It is only right that Raila apologises to the President as he is the so-called father of that flock that caused chaos in Parliament,” said Dagoretti MP Dennis Waweru.

The Dagoretti legislator posed that if Raila did not respect the President, then he ought to at least show respect for the office of the President and the nation. 

The lawmakers among them Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria, condemned their Opposition counterparts for displaying what they termed as “uncouth behaviour”. 

On Friday, the former Prime Minister defended the chaos staged by ODM MPs arguing that it was a wake up call for the Jubilee Government to realise that Kenyans were alert. 

Odinga instead blamed House Speaker Justin Muturi for the commotion witnessed in Parliament last week, indicating that his move to silence the lawmakers had fuelled the demonstrations further.

He condemned Muturi's order to throw out the protesting MPs, arguing that it was unfair to deny them a chance to air their grievances. 

Speaking in regard to the whistle blowing, Kenyatta said that it was childish for the MPs to heckle him during the State of the Nation address.

The Head of State hit out at the Opposition for engaging in unnecessary insults and dividing the country through negative politicking.

“The opposition is good but it should be an opposition where we disagree on policies, ideologies and development and not based on insults and creating divisions. We don’t want negative politics and insults because it does not build but destroys,” he stated.

Read Also: VIDEO: ODM MPs Celebrate After Shaming Uhuru in Parliament