Safaricom's Keep The Connection Campaign Connecting Kenyans Through Written Stories

Writers are an important part of any society.

Well written words provide us with an opportunity to create connections that may not be possible through the spoken word.

Here are some of the most popular writers who continue to shape Kenyan lives through their writing.

1. Biko Zulu

Jackson Biko is arguably the most formidable storyteller on the Kenyan blogosphere today.

His blog, Bikozulu, has won numerous awards from the Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE).

With an unmatched ability to tell his stories with seamless humour, this is one blog you will enjoy reading.

2. Owaahh

The faceless blogger is a gem in the Kenyan writing industry.

His stories are largely investigative and focus on the mysteries that have shaped Kenya in areas such as business, crime, and leisure.

As the motto on his blog quips, one story is good, till another is told, you will definitely want to see what he writes next!

3. Wanja Kavengi

The only woman in this auspicious list. Wanja is one of those writers who will keep you laughing at the daily experiences of the average Kenyan.

Her stories are humorous, well written, and distinctly authentic. 

4. Phillip Etemesi

Etemesi is the David Mailu of our time.

His stories are largely narrations of his sexual conquests but that does not take away his place as one of the most talented writers in Kenya.

5. Dagitare Wanjohi Wa Kigogoine

A rather odd entrant in this ‘bigwig's’ list.

Wa Kigogoine has a unique style that reveals an undisputed writing talent.

His tales range from business deals that never seem to go well, to his insatiable appetite for alcohol. 

Like these celebrated bloggers, you too can tell your own story and have it published for the rest of the world to know your thoughts.

A new campaign dubbed, #KeepTheConnectionsGoing seeks to get more Kenyans to share their experiences through writing.

To participate in this campaign, all you will need to do is write a story that connects with Kenyans from around the world.

Safaricom will then publish the story under these tags and your message will be shared with the rest of Kenyans.


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