Safaricom's New Way to Help You Connect With Friends and Family #KeepTheConnectionsGoing

The New Year always comes with a burning urge to do things differently and for many, there is always the penning down of New Year's resolutions.

Interestingly, even before the end of January, most people and perhaps even yourself, will have already broken at least one of the goals.

Whether it's lack of motivation, lack of resources, or just a loss of interest, it's important to make a fresh start and figure out a way of achieving those resolutions.

Here are top four resolutions you probably have already broken and how to get back on the tracks.

1. Going to the Gym

After the December feasting, you were probably looking forward to shedding the extra kilos and embark on the healthy living journey.

On your notes, you might have vowed to hit the gym five days a week and as we got to the third week of the year, the resolution slightly bent to three days.

Do not lose hope, weight loss, toning and muscle building is all sacrifice.

Get a gym partner to keep you accountable!

2. Saving

In December, you might have realised that your bank account status and the holiday destination you wanted so badly could not fit in the same sentence.

Perhaps because of poor planning and lack of a focus to save for the trip made you stay at home and simply watch movies.

So let this year be different, embark on saving early as per your resolve on the first day of January.

A good idea could be saving in a lock saving account. Try it!

3. Quit Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol lovers swore never to touch the bottle after having one too many during the festive season.

This crucial yet hard to fulfil resolution may have been already compromised after the boys asked you why you were going home early and you cowed.

To achieve this, forget what you think you'll be missing out on and focus on the benefits! Better health. Better sleep. More money. More time. Happiness.

4. Connecting with Family

Did you neglect your family last year and promised to connect more in 2017? Probably you did and the more important question will be, are you connecting with them?

As the wise men say: Family is not an important thing, it is Everything.

And Safaricom is offering a way to keep the connection going with your family and friends even when you are on the internet.

By jotting down and sharing your interesting story on different topics including family, life, love, dreams etc,  Safaricom might just feature it on its page for the world to enjoy.

There you have it! Connect more and share your life with others.