CJ Maraga Visits Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui

Chief Justice David Maraga on Friday visited Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui at his offices.

Speaking to Kenyans.co.ke, Zakheem Rajan, Senior Judiciary Communication Officer confirmed that the Chief Justice and some of his close aides visited Mr Kinyanjui's office early Friday morning.

Mr Rajan further noted that the CJ's meeting was part of his job to foster ties between the judiciary and the County goverments.

[caption caption="CJ Maraga and Governor Kinyanjui"][/caption]

"Yes, the Chief Justice met Governor Mr Kinyanjui. It was just a normal courtesy call. When the CJ normally visits the counties, he pays courtesy calls to the respective governors.

"He would always visit the county bosses to seek collaboration for instance by seeking land to be used in construction of the lower courts in the various counties," he stated.

He further conveyed that the head of the Judiciary later had an internal meeting with the Governor whereby they discussed personal matters.

Besides visiting the Governor's office, the Chief Justice inspected the construction of the Nakuru Court project.

The CJ also spent part of his day interacting with staff and members of the public on service delivery at Nakuru Law Courts.

[caption caption="CJ Maraga and other judicial officers inspecting the building construction"][/caption][caption caption="Staff of Nakuru law courts"][/caption]

The President of the Supreme Court expressed his joy with the construction of the new judicial office indicating that: "Great things are happening in the Judiciary system."