Lee Njiru Reveals The 2 World Leaders Mzee Jomo Kenyatta Treasured

Founding President Jomo Kenyatta's former information officer, Lee Njiru, has revealed the special bond Kenyatta had with Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and Marshal Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia.

Kenyatta signed a defence pact with the 2 leaders and they did a lot for each other during his time in office.

Selassie was Kenya’s first foreign dignitary when Kenyatta invited him to Madaraka Day celebrations on July 1, 1964.

During Kenyatta's trip to Ethiopia in 1969, which was only 1 of two during his 15-year tenure, fighter jets formed the name ‘JOMO’ in the sky.

Emperor Selassie handed Kenyatta an Ethiopian poodle named Addis as a gift.

[caption caption="Jomo Kenyatta with Emperor Haile Selassie"][/caption]

Njiru revealed that although Kenyatta was not fond of pets, he ordered a brand new Mercedes Benz 280S to ferry his new dog across the country.

“Addis had his own driver and normally sat back left whenever he accompanied Mzee during his long working tours around the country,” he stated.

He further disclosed that he landed his State House job due to Mengistu Haile Mariam's toppling of Selassie in 1974.

An angered Kenyatta sent his information officer, Francis Mungai Kamau, to Ethiopia to find out what the Mengistu-led military junta was doing.

Njiru, who was an information officer based in Kakamega, was called in to replace Kamau.

[caption caption="Jomo Kenyatta with Emperor Haile Selassie"][/caption]


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