Paul Muite Comes to Ahmednasir's Rescue Over NYS Accusations

Senior Counsel Paul Muite has defended fellow lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi over accusations linking him to the NYS scandal. 

Ahmednasir had opined: "How President Uhuru and Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Noordin Haji treat CS Sicily Kariuki will determine for 45 million Kenyans and the rest of the world on whether they are really serious about the NYS scam.

According to Ahmednasir, the only test that Uhuru and DPP are facing in the wake of the Ksh10 billion scandal is dealing with the senior officials in the concerned ministries.

[caption caption="Senior Counsel Ahmednasir Abdullahi"][/caption]

His sentiments, however, attracted a backlash from a section of tweeps including activist Boniface Mwangi.

Telling off Ahmednasir, Mwangi noted: "Your client was the mastermind of NYS season 1. She was involved in the theft of Ksh1.8 billion. So shut up!"

The ensuing war of words saw Ahmednasir retaliate to Mwangi: "Imagine if I shut up on this debate because a miscreant like you says so. Just Imagine!"

But Mwangi could not hear any of the lawyer's arguments to which he hit back: "As an indirect beneficiary of NYS season one, you have no moral authority to advice anyone on matters corruption. 

"Most of your clients are the people who have looted Kenya dry. So stop distracting us," Mwangi retorted.

This saw Muite come to the defense of Ahmednasir who served in the legal team of Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, a suspect turned state witness in the first NYS scandal.


[caption caption="Senior Counsel Paul Muite"][/caption]

Defending Ahmednasir's role in the case, Muite quipped about the legal proceedings stating: "Even the devil himself (must be a man) would be entitled to due process if he appeared in human form."

He further added that everyone is entitled to "Constitutional safeguards including a presumption of innocence; That's all the lawyers do. Msi-wachukie! (Don't hate them)."

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