Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua Issues Update on Exposing Sh1.9B NCPB Scandal Suspects

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua has issued an update on his recent promise to expose the 'big fish' behind the Sh1.9 billion corruption scandal that rocked the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB).

After information emerged that a group of unscruplous traders had supplied hundreds of thousands of bags of imported maize at the expense of local farmers, Mutua promised to release a dossier detailing how senior government officials had pocketed huge sums of cash from the scandal.

He revealed, then, that he had received a list from investigative sources that he believed President Uhuru Kenyatta should have.

In a conversation with on Wednesday, Mutua disclosed that he was awaiting more files from whistleblowers and completion of due dilligence before releasing the anticipated dossier.

"Yes in due time. This is a very serious matter that not only affects food security but exposes our farmers to poverty.

[caption caption="Governor Alfred Mutua"][/caption]

"As soon as the files and details are received from whistleblowers and due dilligence done, I will make them public. We have to save Kenya," he stated.

Mutua had earlier disclosed that lawmakers and Cabinet Secretaries, among other senior officials, had directly benefitted from the elaborate scheme.

"I have a list I was given by investigative sources of the senior people and the amounts they have stolen - Ranging from 10 million for a Senator, 100 million for a Cabinet Secretary, another 300 million for another senior leader etc. I believe Uhuru must also have the list," he told at the time.

On Wednesday as well, the Supreme Court suspended an order nullifying Mutua's win in the Machakos Gubernatorial election pending hearing and determination of an appeal filed by his lawyers.

"There shall be a stay of execution against the judgement and decree of 8 June, 2018 pending hearing and determination of the case," the ruling read in part.

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